Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Montana Trip

I'm finally posting photos from our trip. As you can see we packed a lot of fun into that week. When we got back I asked the kids what their favorite part of the trip was. Sis piped right up "riding in the front seat of Papa's truck" and Bro's response was along the same lines "riding in Papa's truck to go golfing". Looks like we didn't need to work so hard to have fun. It seems like the most vivid memories come from the simplest things.

Although, personally, I loved that float trip!


Melissa Paul said...

love the vacation photos!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Fun to look at them and remember what a great time we had. My favorite part? Can't narrow it down. I loved all of it-just love getting to spend time with all of you!I did especially enjoy the extra time alone in the hot tub with the grandkids! :-) Love, Mom

Destiny said...

looks like you all had some fun.