Saturday, January 30, 2010

A California Birthday

Cam had a business meeting in San Jose over my birthday, so we decided to leave the kids with Grandma and get some much needed alone time. Though the trip could have been a day or two shorter (I started really missing the kids), we had a wonderful time.
Here's a few of the photos...unedited due to time constraints as always!


Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks so warm where you were.
I loved being with the kids. Hope they are doing well.

Karmen said...

Awesome! Great pictures! I had to google about the Winchester House after you told me about it and then seeing this picture. Here's the address I went to:
Now I want to see the movie that was filmed in it - the site said it is "The Haunting in Conneticut" and was filmed here. I'm sure you heard about it on your tour, but I bet it shows some pretty cool things.
Loved seeing the flowers, palm trees, Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge - that's cool you were able to walk on it! I doubt I would have tried it - :-)
Thanks for sharing! Love you! Mom