Monday, May 24, 2010

Laughs from Bro

Tonight we celebrated my sister's birthday at a Mexican restaurant. If you know my sister you know how much she adores the annual public birthday song. Since Bro's birthday is the following day she attempted to talk him into to joining her. He was less than thrilled. In an effort to get him more excited my sister showed him the sombrero he would get to wear at which time he got a horrified look on his face and replied, "Gross, head lice!"
Well obviously my sister can be very convincing!

If that's not enough for one day, Bro made another crack while riding with Granny to the restaurant. There are men who stand on the corner with their can "panhandling" for donations for an anti-gang group here. They wear white tux's when doing this. Granny so happened to drive past one and Bro said "Don't give them any money, Granny. They are from the government and the government already has enough of our money!" Either he is a Republican at heart or we overdid our explanation on taxes at the dinner table earlier this month!

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