Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breaking Habits

Little Sis has this habit of wiping her face and hands with her shirt. This results in a lot of extra scrubbing for me on laundry day, and still many of her tops have stains. Very frustrating! I have been working very hard with her to break this habit by providing extra napkins and reminders of how her favorite tops will be ruined. I have even resorted to threatening to throw her soiled tops away. Slowly, she has been making progress.
After the third time she wiped her face with her shirt at dinner tonight, I told her yet again that her shirt would be ruined and that stains won't wash out. To this she smiled and replied, "Yes, they will, Mommy. You are a great washer." And preceded to wipe her face once more. UGH! Need I say more?

On a side note, I will plug the camera in and get some photos from the weekend up tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You can't fool a three year old! :) That's one smart girl you have, knowing that mommy can get ALL stains out...why use a napkin? Wow, apparently me starting back to work has interfered with my blog reading...I had a lot to catch up on! Your trip to the westside looked like a blast!

Melissa Paul said...

Sorta like my kid and the hanky that we call his shirt. At least snot doesn't stain! I'm probably not as good a washer as you are!

Anonymous said...

I read the blog again I want big time kudoos!!!! At least she does not tuck in all of her shirts(that might be getting to short) into pants that don't match anyway and then proceed to wear a belt even with elastic pants!!!