Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Little Pilgrim

Big Bro has his First Grade Feast yesterday, where the first grade classes dress as Pilgrims and Indians and have lunch in the hall with their families. I was so sad to miss this but hubby was able to go. Big Bro looked so cute in his little costume!

And we are off to see my family for Thanksgiving! I am so excited, as it seems like forever since we've been to Granny and Papa's. Big Bro keeps telling me that he can't even remember their house, which I know is just a guilt trip because in the next breath he will tell me all the things he wants to play with when he gets there! Little Sis is very excited as well. For the last 3 days she has been asking if it was time to go yet! So we have a long day of driving ahead filled with "are we there yet?".


Melissa Paul said...

Hmm, they kind of look like Hutterites!

Safe travels to the land of the hoots!

Heather said...

We actually ran into the Hutterites while shopping. Actually they seemed to be at every store we went to. Who would have thought that they enjoy Black Friday so much?