Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quit Pushing Our Kids So Hard!

So I just spent another morning in Caleb's school and feel the need now to VENT!

I spend Thursday mornings reading with the kids individually. There is a massive list of words that the kids are expected to know and certain dates throughout the year they must know them by. We are approaching one of those magical dates and so have been having to focus extra hard helping kids learn these words. Not only do they have to know these words, they must read an incredible amount of them in 60 seconds!

On top of that, several different subjects have had to be introduced this week, (i.e. the possessive "s", the "ing", the "ed" and the "er"). And they had to know sentence structure (noun, verb, etc). This has to be done in a specific time frame as well because of the WASL. It seems that all the teachers are now required to structure their teaching around this standardize test. UGH!

As I was working with the kids this morning I noticed great amounts of frustration from many of the students. Some were giving up, some couldn't stop fidgeting, and most were exhausted. When the bell for recess rang there were many still at their desks attempting to complete their morning assignments, including Big Bro. I went over to help him and he said he was having trouble focusing. Yeah, who wouldn't with the amount of crap shoved at him during the first hour and half of class? His teacher let these students work for another 10 minutes and then told them to go outside and get some fresh air. Big Bro broke into tears. When I asked him what was wrong he said that he didn't want to have to finish the assignment later, he just wanted it done now. I think he was just tired of looking at it. Poor Guy.

I stayed and talked with the teacher as Big Bro went to recess. It seems that all the first grade students are having this problem, yet no one will listen to the teachers. These teachers are instructed to mold our children to fit some politicians grand idea of the perfect first-grader. Yet they are not accounting for the differences in our children. Individuality is being striped just for the sake of passing the WASL. Our children are being pushed to the breaking point.

But what can I do about it? Move to a different state? Or are all states focusing on standardize testing these days? Home school? But what about the social repercussions?

Why do we push our children so hard? Why do we need them to grow up so fast? Why should first graders do third grade work? Why does passing a standardize test matter so much? And why does the test need to be so difficult? Who is benefiting from all of this? Not our children!

No Child Left Behind? What a joke! Maybe that should be renamed Leave Childhood Behind!

Hmmm...I wonder if the politicains could pass the WASL. Probably not!


Anonymous said...

Hi there I am thinking maybe I can vent too. I want you to know that I HATE THE WASL!!!! I have never been a fan of standardized tests but the WASL takes the cake!!! No child left behind basically says that no child can be made to stay behind a grade level in grade school no matter what. A parent is the only one who can request this movement or nonmovemet. The request is pretty much ignored. The "No Child Left Behind" states that we are not teaching the children correctly if they do not pass an unpassable test. If they do pass it that is considered great but really it does not matter they still have to take it every year and if finally in 12th grade if they do not pass then they CANNOT GRADUATE even if they passed every year before!!!! Every other state does a basic skills type of test not Washington though, we like to try and kill our kids slowly!!!

Here is one more issue I have. Tad is reading 5 levels above his class but he got the grade equivelent of a C+ because he did poorly on a test. So because he may have been tired or hungry or just having an off day he is labeled as a C kid. I am sooooooo mad!

Anonymous said...

Nouns, verbs, sentence structure in 1st grade?!? I know its been many years since I was in school - but we learned these things in Junior High. I can see them learning them slightly earlier now, but first grade is ridiculous! Just as we spoke the other night of the incredible amounts of homework the first grader has to do! 1-1 1/2 hours of homework for a first grader!? I can only see all of this making a child dislike school. They need to look more at growth and development and the attention spans of the age of a child.

You asked what you could do? I would say find out as much as you can and make noise. Let others know how you feel and get them on board. Ask the teachers who to contact to take your concerns to. Write and/or call the school boards, board of regents, and your congressmen and women. Be sure they know what is happening. If enough parents get involved, it should help. At least you will know you are being a child advocate. Big hugs to you and to our little guy. Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

I don't know the answers to all of your ?'s. I do understand your frustrations with your child though. Lucky Caleb who has a mom who cares about his frustration and is involved in the school system. I think we as parents (and grandparents) have to be ever vigilant to not let others tell us how to raise our children. Whoops!! maybe it is already happening. Getting involved and making your voice heard seems to be how it happens. Really though isn't it just about these little people and what is best for them.
Love, Debra

Destiny said...

I hear you. I've been helping in Logan's class as well and already see it. His teacher prepped me on "speed" words as she called it. My goodness, let them just be kids. I guess you could always teach him at home. I know quite a few moms that are doing this for this reason.

Anonymous said...

Heather, I am afraid it is in all states thanks to "No Child Left Behind"! Trying being a teacher and having to do things you know are not right for kids. It is awful and has taken the fun out of learning and teaching! Don't move to Wyoming because it is worse here! It stinks I know and I wish as a teacher our federal government would listen to those of us in the trenches. Keep sceaming as a parent you may be the ones they will eventually listen to. Sorry Caleb has to experience all of this! Love and Hugs, Aunt Cheryl