Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Big Bro's Mom!

We went to Big Bro's reflection ceremony on Monday night. Oh, what a night! It is great when I excel at something but seeing my son do it was so much better. I could not have been more proud. He was thrilled as he got not only the ribbon and certificate I promised him but they also gave him his own little photo album and disposable camera to help prepare him for his next photo shoot!

Last night I had a meeting with one of my mothers groups and we were talking about how once you become a mother you loose your identity and become so-and-so's mom. The more I think about it though, the more I realize that there is nothing else I would rather be. I love being at his school and having the kids call me C's mom. I am so incredibly proud of him (and my daughter as well) that it is really an honor to be called their mother. I don't feel like I have lost my identity at all. I am still me and I still stand for the same things. I feel more like my identity has just been expanded. I'm sure this comes off as rather cheesy but I am really quite happy at where my life is at right now. (This could also be the result of reading "The Last Lecture" and remembering that time is finite and that we should really live in the moment.)

Sorry about the poor photo quality, hopefully I will be able to post some better ones soon. As you can see here Little Sis was pretty proud of her brother as well. He's sharing a chair with a little girl from his class and sitting two rows in front of hubby and me!


Karmen said...

WOW! Since his theme of the picture was to go with "Wow", I think seeing HIS pictures with the ribbon and certificate were pretty incredible and a BIG WOW too! It is great to see how proud he (and sis) were. Fantastic job, C!
I also had to chuckle as I read how proud you said you were to be know as their mom. It brought back the memory of when you were only about 2 months old and a little girl in the grocery store whispered rather loudly, "Daddy, that's H's mommy". I think it was the first time I had heard myself referred as that. I remember grinning and thinking, "Yeah, I AM H's mommy". It is a good feeling. Thanks for sharing C's special moment! Love, Mom/Granny

Kim R. said...

What a wonderful thing for C! He is such an incredible little man. When I think about moving I get so sad to have to separate our kids(and us to). I totally agree with your post......What better accomplishment is there, then being your childs Mom. We need to shout it from the rooftops! "I AM A MOTHER AND I LOVE MY JOB!"

Anonymous said...

Heather, you are indeed a great Mom! So glad you find pride and joy in having that identity. Yes it is just one of many you now have and will have throughout the years to come. I am so proud to be your Aunt. Keep up the good work --it shows already in the wonderful two little ones you are raising! Love you Hon, Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Heather,I love hearing you say this about being a mom. It is so nice knowing that we can say these things and verify our feelings with each other(other moms) The "world" isn't always as supportive.
It is such a great thing to see our children do good things and feel so proud of them.
One of the best feelings i have felt as a parent is to see my children being good parents. Thanks both of you for doing such a good job and for staying so focused on the things that really matter.
I am so glad to be on this journey called life with you kids!
Sincerely, Debra