Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I think New Year's Resolutions are somewhat silly. If there are things that you want to change, why wait until the new year rolls around to get it done. Sounds like procrastination to me.
However I am a bit of a procrastinator myself, therefore I tend to make resolutions each year regardless of the silliness factor.

This year I have the usually list, resulting from a holiday season of eating, sitting, eating, and more eating. So I will be getting my regular fitness routine back on track, watching what I eat and drinking more water. Hum, sounds like the list from last year and the year before that and the year before that...

I have come up with a new resolution this year though. I will stop being tardy! We are always late. I hate being late. I hate that rushed feeling. I hate yelling for everyone to hustle and getting angry because once again we are late and then feeling guilty because I got angry and yelled. I tend to blame our tardiness on the kids but truth be told this is more my issue than theirs. I have been juggling two kids out the door for years now. I should know how long it takes to get everyone ready and out the door. So I am going to add 10 minutes onto our departure routine. I have also heard of a timer trick, set the timer and when it goes off we leave the house regardless of our condition. Hmmm, may make for some interesting situations but I bet everyone would start taking me more seriously when I tell them it's time to go. One way or another we will be making it to our destinations this year on time.

There you have it, my resolutions in a timely fashion. A Happy New Year to you and best of luck with your own resolutions!


Karmen said...

Nice slide show of the past year. It was fun to see the changes in the kids. Good luck on being timely...probably a good resolution for many of us that run on "Culver" time. May 2009 be one of the happesist and healthiest for all. Love, Mom

Karmen said...

Opps...guess I should add a resolution for myself to check spelling before submitting! Mom