Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Happy V-Day

I loathe Valentine's Day. To me it seems to be a made-up day for retailers, allowing them to sell over-priced flowers and chocolates. On that note, hubbie and I decided to celebrate the Love day without spending any money.

I wouldn't call our Valentine's Day celebration romantic but it was fun. Hopefully we have created some great memories for our children. A good friend gave me the idea last year to make dinner at home feel like a night out (thank you Miss D). So we enjoyed Salmon and fancy mashed potatoes and salad at Mama Casa Mia Restaurantee by candlelight. The kids got to drink apple juice (a big no except for at breakfast) out of fancy glasses and we spent the meal chatting with each other, hubbie and I telling stories from our childhoods. It was a night full of giggles and so much more pleasant than any restaurant could ever be with two young children.

Then it was time for games. We set up mixing bowls in descending sizes and tossed conversation hearts and we played pin the arrow on the heart. Overall I would say that the day was spent as it should be...showing those we love how much we care for them in non-material ways! Next year another idea stolen from a friend...pink heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast (thanks to Miss M)!!


Melissa Paul said...

sounds like fun - you are so creative with stuff like that. The Man and I got a big kick out of the Valentines that the boys made at your house too!

MindySue said...

theif!!! jk. that's totally okay. except they weren't heart shaped. Just pink. i'm not sure how to make them hearts. i consider myself pretty lucky if they are round. I loved your game ideas. very cute!

MindySue said...

i can spell.

Anonymous said...

Cute ideas and a great way to spend V-day. I, by the way, agree with you on the made up holiday to spend money and tend to not go all out on celebrating VD either (that's short for Valentine's Day in case you thought it was something single people contract on this holiday ;))! Glad to hear your fam enjoyed themselves!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I love Valentine's Day. It is one of my favorites but never alot of money is spent. You know me! It is usually just a bedroom full of home-made valentines.
I like my husband to be romantic once in awhile.
Wish I could have had dinner at MamaMias and played all of the games.
You are amazing Heather with all your great ideas. Fun to have the kids involved too. Debra
ps I published a comment yesterday. Don't know where it went?

Destiny said...

I'm so glad you did this! Sounds like everyone had a ball. I agree they mark the price up on everything way too much.