Wednesday, February 25, 2009

KooKoo Head

I received a call about 1PM today to pick Big Bro up at school. Seems he was running a fever around 100. I was attempting to diagnosis the illness and here's what I got...

"Does you throat hurt?"


"Do you feel like you may throw up?"


"Does your head hurt?"

"No, I just have KooKoo-head."

"What do you mean KooKoo-head?"

"My brain is not working right. It's fuzzy."

Poor guy. His fever is about 102 now and he is also complaining of a headache.

I had an incredibly busy day planned down to the minute, full of things that MUST be done today. Now that plan is out the window and my to-do list is in the trash. Instead I'll just cuddle with my KooKoo-head son.


MindySue said...

aw. poor little kookoo head. he's probably just sick of all those little girls chasing him around and wants a break ;)

Kierstin said...

Blake's had a fever too, but also bronchitis, a very sore throat, a runny nose and an ear infection. Before now he'd only been sick 3 times. Poor kid, he got everything at once. He's on antibiotics now and feeling a bit better, I think. I hope Big Bro doesn't get anything else on top of the fever. But it's nice he could tell you how he's feeling... I'm stuck guessing. Good luck! Feel better Big Bro.

Anonymous said...

Tell him that Papa is thinking of him and wishing I could be there to give him a hug too. Hope it's a short lived bug - whatever it is.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Caleb. Hope you are better soon Sweetie. Love and Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear your sick Caleb. I always loved the excuse to throw out my lists of to-dos. You are much better at it than I was though.Caleb grandma knows what it feels like to have a "kookoo head". i just want to go to sleep and hope that it is gone when I wake up. Grandma is hoping she doesn't get any of the sicknesses going around. It is hard to avoid it though. Get better soon!! Let's hope Amelie doesn't end up with it too. Debra