Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Comedy at the Dentist

The kids had their 6 month routine dental appointments today. All looks good...no cavities, etc.

Bro is disappointed as x-rays show he probably won't lose a tooth for another 6 months. He swears he has a loose one now (actually it has been "loose" since sis knocked hers out in Oct.). The hygienist couldn't find it. :) He does have some new teeth to boast about though. His 6 year old molars are almost completely in now.

Sis sure had the staff cracking up. It started like this:
Hygienist: "I'm just going to brush your teeth now."
Sis: "I already brushed my teeth."
Hygienist: "Oh, you did? Well, I'm just going to do it again and make sure you got them all real good."
Sis: "Well, I don't like brushin' my teeth."

She did open up after getting to feel the polisher with her fingers and she giggled through the cleaning.

Then she tooted. "Oops. My toots don't last long," she said. "Anyways doctors can't smell toots. That's how come they wear that thing (mask) over their noses." I just had to laugh as did the hygienist.

Later after meeting up in bro's examine room (he did his without mom this time, such a big boy). She starting chatting to all the girls in the office as they walked by. They kept telling her how cute she was as they walked us out. I think sis was enjoying the attention.
"Are you all ready to go, sis?" I asked.
"No" she said.
"Why not?"
"'Cuz we're not leaving yet." she replied.


Anonymous said...

Heather, where did this little girl come from? Oh my gosh we laughed and laughed! You definitely have your hands full with this little one. I love her spirit! Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I won't tell Caleb then that Cason has lost some teeth in fact he lost his second one on top while we were there for Spring Break. He looked so cute with both top teeth out and so fun to listen to him talk. And eating apples wasn't easy for sure. Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Karmen said...

It has to be almost scary to wonder what she will say next and to whom. What a character! I know Caleb is very anxious to lose those teeth, but he has the cutest little smile and they look so much older when they start losing teeth! It would be hard to have your little sis lose hers first. Give them big hugs from us. Love, Mom

heidi said...

Hmmm, they grow up so fast...I can remember when Caleb was just getting teeth. I don't know that Aunt Heidi is ready for him to start loosing them!! You probably thought you were safe at the dentist with a tooth brush in Am's mouth but you can always count on something hilarious coming out of that girls mouth!!