Saturday, June 20, 2009

An absolutely CRAZY day

...and not in a good way!

The day began with a trip to the ER for Sis. Last evening Sis went to sit on the floor by rolling back on her feet, depending on her right hand to catch and guide her to the ground. It didn't work out so well. Instead she ended up falling onto her hand and rolling back onto her arm. Loud, painful cries erupted.

After feeling her arm up and down and having her move it a little, I determined that nothing was broke and that she was just being melodramatic in her tired state. But all through dinner and bath she held that arm next to her body not using it at all. "My bones are bent," was what she kept telling us. When she woke this morning with her arm in the same state we decided x-rays would be necessary.

She had a 4 hour visit to the ER where after x-rays and lots of waiting the doc determined she had not fractured her arm but had Nursemaid's Elbow. Apparently this is a fairly common injury in young children (though I had never heard of it before). It usually occurs when a child's arm is jerked or when they fall while trying to hold something for support. The ligament in the elbow is not fully developed so it can easily become dislodged. After a painful procedure of putting the ligament back where it belongs, Sis was as good as new.

The ER visit ended just in time to rush to a birthday party Bro's teacher was putting on for her sons. It was held in her backyard which has a swimming pool with a small water slide. Bro was so excited about that slide he quickly climbed up it and was in the water over his head before he knew what hit him. He is just beginning to learn how to swim and he panicked causing him to sink under the water further. Then he stopped kicking. At which point hubbie jumped into the pool fully clothed to rescue him. Scary but he is just fine.

Unfortunately I had just handed my cell phone to hubbie to keep dry while I helped Sis into the pool. So my phone is apart and drying (hopefully) out as is hubbie's along with his glucometer. His insulin pump also went for the swim but seems to have escaped any damage. Oh well, it's just stuff and it's replacable.

So tonight I'm just happy to report that we are all alive and in one piece!


Kim R. said...

Ok, so when you didn't call me last night I assumed you guys were beat from the party and were having som egodd family time....little did I know you were all fighting for your lives!!!!

MindySue said...

OH MY GOSH!!! that sounds like a horrid (yet thankfully happy ending) day. WOW! I am so sorry!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about the drama this weekend. My greatest fear is that Caleb will hate the water now. Vanessa had that happen 3 times to her when she was 3. It scared the living daylights out of me.
I am so glad everyone is ok. How are you Mom and Dad?
Give them hugs and kisses!! Grandma

Destiny said...

What a day of events. I'm glad to hear you all survived but man. Glad everyone is okay.