Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day

Bro's first day of second grade was today. SECOND GRADE!! How fast time flies!

I once read a quote that said something about a day of mothering sometimes seems so long, yet the years fly by in a heartbeat. How true this seems today. It feels like only yesterday I was watching this little guy learn how to walk, a blink of an eye and he is 4 with his tool vest on playing in the front yard, another blink and it's his first day of Kindergarten and now today I'm leaving him in second grade. Wow.

Despite a poor start to the day, (we all over slept and I awoke with only 20 minutes to get ready. Luckily Bro was already up and almost dressed. "Why didn't you wake me?," I asked. "Because I was going to get dressed and surprise you," he replied. What a sweet kid.), Bro's first day of school went well. His favorite part...the teacher reads a little to them after each recess. His least favorite part...he claims there wasn't one. "Actually it was all good, mom," he tells me.

I, however, had a terrible time with it this year. Second grade is so much more serious than first. The kids went right to work, no wandering the classroom, no photo opts with mom. It was so hard to leave. Having to do a little work at the school myself, I found myself walking by his classroom several times to peak at him. He was doing great each time. Maybe, just maybe, I will survive second grade! Home sure seems quite without him.


Melissa Paul said...

Oh he is such a grown up looking young man in that photo! Second grade, I can't beleive it!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the first day went so well for him!! We'll have to give him a call so he can tell us all about it.

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

He will do fine Heather! You are such a good Mom! So proud of you! Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

He looks so big. I remember when we took care of him as a baby while you and Cameron went out for your anniversary. The three of us sat on the patio swing-he in Uncle Bruce's lap with his blanket just looking around and quite content to sit there with us. WOW where has the time gone?! For both him and Cason! Miss you all so much! Love and Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I love seeing those first day pictures! Thanks for posting it. It does cause us all to pause and think back. Of course, we think about how it didn't seem all that long ago that we were taking your second grade picture too. ;-)Glad to hear he had such a good day!Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow! what a handsome kid. I know your feelings well Heather. I just took Vanessa back to school and I hate to tell you this but it doesn't get any easier.