Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Riding the Bus without Seatbelts

Sis had a very exciting day at preschool yesterday...just not exactly in a good way.

As I dropped her off the preschool was put into a lockdown. A bank down the street had been held at gun point moments earlier and the robber was running. A couple policemen came in the school to let the staff know to keep all windows and doors locked and keep the children inside.

As I left I noticed that the school was surrounded by several officers and the streets were closed off. I called hubbie concerned. He assured me that she was safe there. So I came home to stay updated on the happenings. It turned out that the gunman was thought to be hidding in the orchard which butts up to the back of the church Sis attends preschool at.

About 2 hours later I got a call that they were evaucating all the kids and moving them via city bus to another church. Frazzled, I rushed to the church to pick up my child who greeted me with a smile and exclaimed, "Mommy, I rode on a bus and we didn't even wear seat belts!" (That's exactly what Bro said on his first bus ride also.)

I found out later that five SWAT team members had arrived at the preschool to escort the kids out. One even rode over with them on the bus. We have a friend who's husband is a cop and I saw his photo on the internet related to this story later that afternoon. When I asked sis if her friend's daddy was one of the "cool army men" that had helped them on the bus she replied "No, mommy, that army man was really nice."!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh!!! What a brave little girl and Mommy! I would have been beside myself I am afraid. Hugs to you both. Love Aunt Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Wow you have had some exciting times with schools! Isn't it great that kids can be so oblivious and excited about a possible dangerous situation.
Amie could have handled it all diplomatically, I am sure.