Sunday, September 13, 2009

That Time Again

It's fundraising time for Bro's school. There's tons of fun products to check out.

The website is:

Enter the school pin 978890 & put in Bro's name and you're all set!



Melissa Paul said...

need some codes please!

Anonymous said...

I went browsing - sure looks like a lot of variety and cool things. They had asked for his school name - do we need that or can we just put the school ID # in and that's enough? Also, what is the deadline for orders to be in? Thanks! Mom

Heather said...

Orders must be in by this Thursday, the 24th. If you don't want to pay the shipping charge just call me with your order.
Also his school ID# with his name should be enough info.

Anonymous said...

So sorry i didn't get anything ordered! i have been out of town and just got back on your blog and have missed the deadline. Can i just send money to donate? Debra