Monday, November 23, 2009

The Lion King

I am so behind in posting. Sorry Mom. This one is for you!
On the 14th, we joined Papa and Granny for a weekend trip to see the broadway production of The Lion King. It was phenomenal! It completely exceeded all our expectations and managed to keep the kids enthralled even though the show didn't begin until after 8 pm.

What a fabulous trip! The only downside is that I didn't take enough photos to capture all the fun we managed to jam into those couple days. But here's what I did manage to get.

Thanks mom and dad for an unforgettable weekend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Cold

We woke up to our first hard frost this morning. And my son refused to wear his heavy coat to school today.


He said (and I must emphasize that this is a direct quote) "I don't like it. It makes me look fat!"

Where did he get that? Not from me as I care way more about staying warm than I do about looking fat.

Looks like it's going to be a long winter.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can we keep it?

During our walk Sis found this little caterpillar on the path. It was so cute and fuzzy, but in the end we decided that he would be happiest in his natural home. Actually I just didn't think he would survive our hike back to the car. I'm keeping a look out now though and walking prepared. It would be amazing to watch the caterpillar - cocoon - butterfly transformation with the kids.

Toward the end of the walk Sis came across this "cute cute cute worm". Since we we close to the car, we did keep this one. He's living in the garden.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Photos

Here's photos of out annual fall leaf fun. They are from a couple weeks ago as most of the leaves now have fallen.
We were actually just going for a family walk that day and came across all these leaves. The kids were having a great time and I couldn't resist pulling the camera out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Here's photos of Cinderella and the Pirate.

We had a busy Halloween. Friday night was the Harvest Festival at Bro's school. The kids had a great time playing games with friends. Then last night we went out with some more friends we know from Bro's school and visited all their usual stops (their relatives and close friends). So while we didn't get much door-to-door trick or treating in, we did get to visit with quite a few new friends.

The kids then sold back all the candy they don't eat to the dentist office. It was about 4 pounds and that's just half of their loot! It was a very nice Halloween.