Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Here's photos of Cinderella and the Pirate.

We had a busy Halloween. Friday night was the Harvest Festival at Bro's school. The kids had a great time playing games with friends. Then last night we went out with some more friends we know from Bro's school and visited all their usual stops (their relatives and close friends). So while we didn't get much door-to-door trick or treating in, we did get to visit with quite a few new friends.

The kids then sold back all the candy they don't eat to the dentist office. It was about 4 pounds and that's just half of their loot! It was a very nice Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they had fun and they look great (even though Sis didn't have any shoes). Glad you all had a good time. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Cute costumes but mostly cute kids.