Monday, July 28, 2008

So it begins...

As many of you already know I have signed up for PTSA Co-President this next year at Big Bro's school. When I made the decision at the end of last school year it didn't seem like such a big thing. Then we had our first board meeting tonight...2 1/2 hours long!! So next month will consist of Kinder welcome week, PTSA officer training, PTSA member meeting, Potluck lunch for teachers and first day welcome committee. And then September will roll around and the real work will begin! What have I gotten myself into this time? It all seems slightly overwhelming.
Yet I can't help but to feel a little excitement over what this position means... the changes I can assist in making to better my son's school, the leadership experience that I so desperately need, the new friendships that will form and so much more. So as I dive into planning endless fundraisers and events, coordinating volunteers, petitioning more parent involvement and developing newsletters and yearbooks, I hope my family will be supportive and understanding of somewhat overwhelmed mommy! However I have vowed to practice saying "no" more frequently this year! And as I glance into the bedrooms of my sleeping children, I have no doubt that all my effort will be worth it! (Besides, this too shall pass!)


Karmen said...

I think Caleb's school is lucky to have you on board! You are very enthusiastic and come up with very clever ideas! Glad it is a CO-president and hopefully a helpful one! Love your attitude! As the saying goes, "Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference!" Love, Mom

Melissa Paul said...

Heather, You're going to be awesome at running PTA! I forgot to ask if you're planning another mystery-play this year? ;)

Karmen said...

Just checking today to see if you had any new posts. Since there wasn't any, I took the time to look at the other sites you had posted on here. How Cool! I love that you and your friends have started a "Moms and More" club. And it was fun to see their neat sites and your receipes. You all have high domestic diva statis! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

These things always sound better in theory to do, don't they? However, knowing you, you'll take it and run with it and continue to juggle all the responsibilities without letting a single ball drop because that's what you do so well! And think when everyone is praising the PTA, Caleb can proudly say "that's my mommy!" I'm hoping that you'll give me pointers on how to get so much done in so little time! Love,

Anonymous said...

Heather, You will never regret the time you give to your children's growth no matter how busy you get! Believe me! I am so proud of you! You are one SUPER Mom! Love You, Aunt Cheryl

Destiny said...

I discovered your blog through Kim. What fun since I rarely see any of you guys. Sounds like you've had some fun. What Rodeo did you go to?