Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Superhero Day

What a day! So the kids and I spent the morning with friends having a "tea party". It was a lot of fun and once again I am thankful for all the gals I have develop friendships with over the last year. Then it was off to a local bookstore where Batman was dropping by. Big Bro was in complete awe. He even made a special trip at the end to tell Batman goodbye. Little Sis, however, was a little unsure. Batman was a little scary for her at first so she hung out with mom in the back. Later, at home, she told me that she liked Batman but that he was pretty silly. I can sympathize. I too find grown men in tights slightly frightening but also mildly humorous! We topped the day with some ice cream. I then attempted to run an errand and the melt downs began. At which point I transformed out of superhero mommy into mean, frustrated mommy. I should know better to fit in an errand after a day filled of tiring fun. Think I will try it the other way around next time! Jot that down in the book of mommy life lessons! Well it's off to complete some more domestic diva tasks...paying bills and folding laundry.


Anonymous said...

Heather-you really have a creative talent. You should start your own newspaper (or email) column like Erma Bombeck or something.

Anonymous said...

Heather, I totally agree with Uncle Brad! You have a huge talent for writing. Maybe you should become a professional Blogger and earn millions of dollars right from home. Love and miss all of you, Aunt Cheryl