Friday, February 20, 2009

Absolutely Amazing

This is crazy. I was sitting at the table chatting with a friend today, the kids were playing contently in the next room when all of a sudden we heard them singing the clean up song. It seems that they had decided it was time to clean up without being asked. It was so amazing that I just had to capture it on camera. Definitely not something that happens everyday...though I wish I knew the secret to making it that way!


Kim R. said...

What was up with that? It was out of the blue for me. So cute...but where is Scotty boy?

MindySue said...

i am SOOOO consumed w/ jealousy right now. seriously. I'm green.

ps. check your email.
i suppose if you are getting this. you probably have.
so write me back ;)

Anonymous said...

That's because we have the best niece and nephew there is!! Hope they got apple juice as a reward! Love ya, Aunt Cheryl

Karmen said...

Cute! I loved hearing the clean up song and watching the video. I played it a few times and it almost got me in the mood to start cleaning too! (Almost....) Love, Mom

Destiny said...

Kids to too cute and too smart when they want to be.