Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving Time

Pumpkin carving is usually a task I leave for daddy but he ended up working this year so the kids and I took a stab at it alone.

The two pumpkins the kids carved were grown in our garden, making the event extra special this year. And I learned that pumpkins can turn orange and look "done" in August, yet still be in perfect condition at Halloween.

Sis wanted all circles and named her pumpkin "Happy".

For those of you not familiar with Transformers, Bro can fill you in. This is an autobot, the symbol for the good guy transforms.

I attempted a cannibal theme this year, which the kids found hilarious. I was pleased with the end result.

And here's the ghost that Bro whittled himself. Pretty impressive!

Now off to roast all those pumpkin seeds!

Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Great Pumpkins Heather! Dad may have lost his yearly job. The three of you seem quite talented! Happy Halloween! Love and Hugs, Aunt Cheryl

Karmen said...

Very impressive pumpkins! It would be hard to choose one if they were in a contest! Creative ideas!

Anonymous said...

Wow great pumpkin carving!!!