Sunday, May 10, 2009

The birthday girl

My baby turned 4 today. I think 4 is one of those tougher birthdays for a mom as such huge changes seem to take place between 3 & 4.

We purchased a play kitchen for her. It was a total hit. It's a good thing too as we were up until 1:30 last night putting the thing together!

She helped me make her princess castle cake this year. She was pleased with it but it wasn't nearly as cute as I had hoped for. I think it's because I tried to make it slightly healthier (what an oxymoron - cake and healthy) by making homemade cake and frosting. I need a little more practice to get the consistency right.

She is very into princess stuff this year, which is so funny because she wanted nothing to do with it last year. So she was quite pleased with all the princess cards, clothing and toys she received. What surprised me (not nearly as much as it surprised her brother and uncle) was that she got the most excited opening her new clothes and shoes!

The funniest moment came as she was opening her cards. The first few had a little money in them and then she got to the last one, which she opened, looked inside and said "Aw, no money in this one". Boy, they grow up fast.


MindySue said...

How fun! I think your cake looks really good! I can't beleive how fast they grow up.

LOVED THE "aw no money in this one" comment.

Destiny said...

The cake looks great! Happy Birthday Em!

Karmen said...

What great pictures!She sure has a sparkle in her eye. The cake looks great! I'm sure she was very pleased with it. Looks like you and Cameron did an excellent construction job on the kitchen set. Big Bro probably likes playing with that with her (a lot more than dolls). :-) Love, Mom