Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mommy Did It...

but it was a total accident. I was tossing a football with Big Bro this weekend, you know one of those small, hard plastic balls banks give away. Well, he missed and it hit smack in the middle of his forehead. It left quite the bruise. This photo is from the day it happened. It took on a deeper purple tint by Monday. So when his teacher asked him what happened he replied, "Mommy hit me..." and I jumped in "with a football and it was an ACCIDENT."
So then he changed his story, telling everyone "Mommy hit me with a football", to which I felt the need to chime in "on accident".
By tonight he had caught on and started saying "A football hit me in the head." Smart Kid!


Kim R. said...

HA! It was so funny to watch him think the story all the way through before he told Joe. You could actually hear the wheel cranking......:)

MindySue said...

i hate how we always have to be so careful what our kids say....they always ONLY tell half the story. little stinkers.

Destiny said...

I can't believe you sent him to school! :) At least by the end of the day he had it figured out. What a crack-up.