Monday, May 25, 2009

Bro's 7th Birthday

He arrived on May 25th at 7:30 PM weighing 8 lbs 5 oz and measuring 20.5 inches. It's hard to believe that it's been seven years! Bro wouldn't let anyone say he was 7 until 7:30 tonight when I had to sing him Happy Birthday again! He's still so cute.

We decided to skip the big birthday party this year, opting for a family celebration instead. So we headed to Chuck E. Cheese, where we did meet up with a friend for a few hours of fun. Then checked into a hotel, making full use of their swimming pool. Afterward it was out to dinner Big Bro style (a buffet...YUCK!). And back to the hotel for a movie and popcorn. More swimming followed this morning before driving back home where we threw together a cake just in time for a nice, if not quiet, celebration.

It all amounted to a very memorable birthday and two exhausted kids (as well as parents). So I'll quickly just leave you with these photos. You'll have to excuse the red eye, etc. as I am just too tired to do much editing tonight.


Karmen said...

I love that you put their birthday pictures and information on here. It makes it feel like we can share it with you. What a great idea. I am sure you all had tons of fun! The Superman birthday cake is sure cute! Love, Mom/Granny

Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!! It sounds like it was just perfect though with what you had in store. Sounds like a lot of fun!! His cake was cute. Everybody had a blue tongue I bet.
Love you kids, Debra