Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parade Star

The kids and I walked with MOMS club in a parade this weekend. To be more precise, I walked the kids rode their bikes. When I signed up I didn't realize that the parade was 5 miles long and would last more than 2 hours. I'm just used to those small town parades that cover a few blocks and are over under and hour.

The kids did great. I was amazed that Sis rode her bike the entire way and Bro probably ended up riding more than double as he circled around us slowpokes! It was fun though and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We got to see a lot of people we knew, if fact this photo of Sis is from one talented friend (thanks Eric).Hey, I said she rode the entire way. I never said she was happy about it!
-plus this was taken close to the end.


Anonymous said...

How cool! Good to get in as much fun in the sun as possible before the cold weather hits!We woke up to rain and sleet. Snow in the slightly higher elevations on the edges of town.

Anonymous said...

Oops - forot to sign my name - so you'd know it's snow in Montana!
:-) Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

What fun! I need to pull my bike out and go for a few more rides before the good weather is gone. Wish I had someone to go with me. Hey, Caleb and Amelie want to go for a bike ride with Grandma?
Oh how I wish we were close enough to do it right now!!!
Love Grandma V.