Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bro's Update

We had parent-teacher conferences this week at Big Bro's school this week and I am happy to report that they went well. Even though we chose not to put him in the after school program his reading scores have soared. Here's the results:
  • Phoneme Segmentation Fluency: Goal of 35, Bro's score is 50
  • Nonsense words: (This is the one we worried about) Goal of 50, His score is 54
  • Oral Reading Fluency: Goal of 20, His score is 21
  • Retell: Goal of 1/2 reading fluency, His score of 16
  • Word Use: His score 48
I am so happy to report that we made the right choice for him. We work on reading daily at home in a no pressure atmosphere and it seems to be working. He has also been taking his AR quizzes and is rocking at them. He is reading at a 1.7 reading level, which is right on the mark.

Things to work at? Leadership skills and handwriting (he loves to write but is somewhat sloppy about it)

Other Comments: Once again we heard what a delight he is to have in class. " a very enjoyable student."
Our next BIG decision is who to request for a second grade teacher as I am not thrilled with any of my choices. I would have to say the second grade team is a weak leak at our school. None of the teachers are very loving. I was hoping for a retirement but since that has not happened I will be picking from the two best for him. I plan on spending a good deal of time in the rooms observing (and out in the hall unseen) for the next month in order to come up with the best choice. One of the rewards for being a very involved mother is that I do have a larger say in who my child has for a teacher and I plan to maximize this advantage in order to make this difficult decision.

1 comment:

Karmen said...

Wow Caleb! Excellent job! I am very proud of you. Your hard work shows. Love you! xxoo Granny