Tuesday, March 10, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

I baked some cookies this afternoon to take to my PTA meeting as a bribe to get volunteers for the book fair I am chairing.
The kids were begging for one, so I told them that after they ate their dinner they could have one.
Little Sis refused to eat dinner because we did not have any guacamole and dinner "is not any good without guacamole".
Anyway to make a long story short, Sis did not get her cookie.

Then she proceeded to make puppy dog eyes at the remaining cookies at the end of the meeting. So much so that another mom almost gave into her.

Here's our conversation on the short drive home tonight:

Sis: I wish I would not have to eat dinner to get a cookie.

Me: I'm sure you do but the rule in our house is that you have to eat the good stuff before you get the bad.

Sis: Mommy, I wish you weren't the boss!

Bro: (always the level-headed one) Well, mommy gets to be the boss until you are a grownup and married.

Sis: (yelling) Brother, shh! I am NEVER getting married!!!


MindySue said...

hahahaha! I wish you weren't the boss!!! It's like, sweetheart, sometimes I wish I weren't the boss either, eh? Isn't that how it goes?!

Heather said...

Well said, Mindy. Several times each day I wish I weren't the one enforcing the rules.

Karmen said...

This sounds like one of those "This hurts me more than it does you" type of things. Oh boy, that would have been very hard for Granny to have to witness. I've seen those irrestable puppy dog eyes! Good for you for sticking to your rules though. Nobody ever said motherhood is an easy job. Love, Mom