Sunday, March 8, 2009

She has her moments...

they are just few and far between right now.

We are having quite a battle with Little Sis right now, the nap time battle. If she takes a nap, she doesn't sleep at night. If she doesn't have a nap, she is Rotten (notice the capital R) all day long. She agrues about everything, she whines constantly, she's pure mean, yet she wants to be cuddled all day. I can't stand it.

I have tried cutting naps shorter. Doesn't work. If fact it is almost worse because she hates to be woken up.

Currently we are attempting slightly shorter naps every other day. Works good for the days she naps, not so good on the other days. (I also find it ironic how those non-nap days are the days I could most use a break from her.)

The dogs got to go swimming yesterday and Little Sis got her nap. Consequentially, Bailey was majorly sore and Sis was incredibly sweet. Poor Bailey has aged so much in the last couple months. He really can't play at all anymore. While we were cleaning up dinner last night, Sis was taking care of Bailey. She is a good vet. She brought him his food, right next to his bed and even covered him with a blanket.
How do I get that sweet girl around more often?


Anonymous said...

Amelie, I can't believe you would be cranky! I know how you feel though when the nap is too short and someone wants you to wake up. All of the adjustments that we need to make all through our lives. Wish it was easier, but then we would never grow up1 (hey, not a bad idea.) Love, Grandma

Karmen said...

Sweet! It looks like she is a good vet. :-) Just for fun, ask Ame what she wants to do to solve this dilemma. She usually comes up with pretty good ideas - doesn't she? Love, Granny

Anonymous said...

FYI, that crankiness at being woken up may never go away if she's like her aunt...just ask Luke!