Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Girls' Night

I had dinner with the kids and some friends tonight. While the kids played so contently with each other, us girls got to chatting. We found all sorts of topics to gossip about...hubbies, trends, current events, etc. It was so much fun to let the kids go and just be gals for a bit.
Then I realized the time and rushed home to get the kids showered and into bed so they would be able to get up and face tomorrow at full speed. I got to thinking as they showered about how nice it would be not to have to worry about the kids' bedtime and just stay up chatting as late as we pleased and then crash on each others' couches. The truth of the matter is that not too long ago I was a college gal doing just that. And though it was fun for the night, the next sleep-deprived day isn't something that I really care to relive.
As my son ran out of his room tonight after getting jammies on with underwear on his head and growling at me, I realized that although I still do long for those girl moments, I really love being a mom and all the responsibilities that come with that title. I really wouldn't change it for the world. Suddenly I am slightly more satisfied with life. For the moment all is right in my world... My hubbie is back reading books to the kids and tucking them in and I just got a night hanging out with the girls. Really what more can I ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun evening. I want a girls night with you and your sis sometime too! It is good when we can enjoy the simplier things in life and reflect on how blessed we are. Love you! Mom