Friday, August 8, 2008

Cuddle Time

It seems that little sis has wound up in our bed almost every night for the past few months. She tends to sneak in around 3 am and will usually start at the end of the bed so not to wake us. After a couple hours she winds up between hubby and me, at which time I wake to kicks in my back or gut, depending on the position I am sleeping in. This leaves both hubby and myself sore and grumpy the next morning. We have recently resorted to bribing her with chocolate, (her favorite substance), every night to keep her out of our bed. It is working...kind-0f. Tonight while doing our nightly tuck-ins before we head off to bed this is how I found her...curled up next to big bro. She must have crawled into his bed after he was asleep, otherwise he would have surely tattled on her! And a few nights ago we found her curled up to the dog in the dog bed. I guess we need to be a little more specific...chocolate only if you stay in your own bed!!! You must admit that it is pretty sweet that she loves to cuddle so much!


Kim R. said...

That is the sweetest thing! It is hard to enforce standards when they are so cute about breaking the rules.....

Anonymous said...

Little Angels! I love that you can click on these pictures and get a close-up. They both look so sound asleep and sweet. I can't believe how she can figure out a way to follow the rules AND get her own way! :-) Love, Granny