Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Fun-Filled Weekend

This was our last true weekend of summer, as Big Bro starts back to school on Wed. Thankfully we were able to pack it with fun. Hubby and I took off by ourselves on Fri night to a concert at the Gorge. We saw Jack Johnson play and then camped overnight. We stayed up late and talked about topics other than work and kids. I loved getting away from it all for a night and pretending we didn't have any worries or responsibilities (even if I did call the sitter a few times to check on the kids)!
We then filled the rest of the weekend with family time, including a bike ride, park time, school shopping and even a baseball game. The result of cramming so much fun into one weekend is two exhausted kids and a messy home. Looks like the next couple days will be spent getting everything back on track but it was well worth it! I am so sad to see the summer coming to a close but I'm incredibly grateful for all the wonderful memories we created.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, we just arrived home after spending Labor Day weekend with Craig and family. It is always so hard to say Good-bye on Labor Day. It is The End of Summer! And I feel sad tonight, but reading your message that we have a lot of good memories made me realize I need to be thankful too for this summer with no one ill! Thanks You are so positive and I needed that! Love and miss you!