Saturday, August 2, 2008

Another Reason to Love the Army!

The local Army training base was raided yesterday by an unrelenting force...MOMS Club kids!! A group of about 45 stormed the base. First they invaded a CH-47 Chinook Helicopter.

After watching the Chinook take off, it was off to a Bradley IFV Here the kids paused for photo opts by popping their heads out of any opening available. Our men in uniform put up a great fight with smiles and never-ending patience. Eventually the kids nap time!


Karmen said...

The Mom's club sure finds a big variety of places to go! How fun. Dad and I loved all of these pictures - thanks for sharing!
Love, Mom

Melissa Paul said...

Sorry we missed it! Looks like a lot of fun - I love Bro and his "girlfriend" too!