Thursday, August 14, 2008

A New Family Member?

We have recently been looking into getting a puppy, or should I say the kids and hubby have been nagging for a puppy for months and I have recently decided that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Our beloved Bailey is beginning to show signs of old age...his hearing is going, he's not as active as he used to be and when he is active he can barely move the next day. He does enjoy other dogs and while it may take some getting used to, I believe that he would grow to love a new "roommate". We can not imagine life without a dog, as he has been a part of our family for 11 years and hopefully having Bailey around will help train the puppy. Now that I have gone through all the positives, I must admit that I don't look forward to all the work of a new puppy. I don't long for sleepless nights, cleaning up potty messes in the house, my stuff being destroyed by a puppies jaws, and having to plan for puppy sitting.
All this being said we have found a cute little pup whop may soon be joining our family. We wanted another German Shepherd mix and this one is 3/4 German Shepard and 1/4 Lab. We have gone as far as filling out the adoption application, which is quite the process these days. Not only is the application very long and inclusive, it seems they must run a background check and have photos of our property to determine if we will be responsible pet owners. If we pass all the requirements the next debate will be on a name. Big Bro wants to call him Coda and hubby wants to call him Deuce. Us girls haven't yet weighed in, as we want to meet the little tike first.

1 comment:

Melissa Paul said...

Wow! A Pup!
You can always bring him over to play, I bet Denver and your dog would be great playmates and give the old guys a break!