Thursday, August 28, 2008

Humor from the Kids

The kids are always saying things that just crack me up. Thought I would share a couple of the things they said tonight at the dinner table.
Big Bro was using his fingers to eat tonight rather than his fork. So I asked him "Do we eat with our hands or a fork?" To which he replied "Actually I eat with my mouth." I think Papa's corniness is rubbing off. I better start monitoring those phone conversations a little more closely!
Then I asked Little Sis what the best part of her day was. She said "Playing dump trucks with J, when suddenly he said 'I have to go potty'. That was the best part and it was so funny." I just thought the use of the word suddenly from her little mouth was so cute.
While I am at it here is another cute story from a few weeks ago. This will probably be only humorous for my family and in order to understand you must first know that the uncle in question is only in his 50's.

We were on a trip with the kids and as we drove past a river the kids started begging to go swimming. I explained that it was too dangerous to swim in the river when it was moving so fast and then elaborated with the story of my cousin and I in our canoe wreck. I explained how Uncle Brad had to come out and save us in the middle of the river and how scary that was.
Little Sis said she would still go swimming and Uncle Brad could save her as well.
Big Bro then told her that Uncle Brad couldn't save her because he was at his home far away.
When I asked Big Bro how he knew Uncle Brad was at his home he said (and I quote)"Well Mommy , he has to be at his home because he is way too old to drive anywhere."
The moral of the story is that if you don't want the kids to think you are an invalid you better get your old butts out to visit us!


Anonymous said...

I was just setting here all lethargic-like, reading your blog. Somehow I managed enough energy (imagine at my age!) to remember that very incident. Don't forget how I was able not only to save you guys & the canoe but the grapes as well!
unc brad

Melissa Paul said...

That's so funny!

I remember when 30 seemed SO OLD!

Heather said...

Oh yes, the grapes! I forgot to mention the grapes to Caleb. Maybe that would change his opinion of what you are capable of. Don't know how we would have survived without those grapes. Thank goodness Super Uncle Brad stormed in and saved the day!