Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Party Time

We traveled over to the "West Side" (it always cracks me up how people refer to the Seattle area as that!) for a friend's birthday party. What a blast we had, wet weather and all. I wanted to post some photos but have yet to recharge my camera battery, so these photos are courtesy of Melissa. You can see lots more B-Day fun on her blog!

Fun in the Hay Pit!!

Tike-Sized Rides

One Wet Fun-Filled Day!


Melissa Paul said...

Glad you came - even if we all got wet, it was still fun!

Karmen said...

Looks like you had a blast - especially Cameron! What a nice daddy to get on those rides with the kids! The roller coaster is a bit smaller then I imagined from the way Caleb described it! :-)
Love, Mom